
Standard Catalog of Smith & Wesson

465 kr
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Standard Catalog of Smith & Wesson 3RD Edition

Smith & Wesson outfitted some of the biggest and boldest gunfighters, both actual and fictional, including Wild Bill Hickock, Buffalo Bill and Dirty Harry, whose exploits are still legendary. Today a renewed Smith & Wesson corporation is back in the front of the pack. Standard Catalog of Smith & Wesson, 3rd Edition combines full color photos with details collectors need to identify and better appreciate all Smith & Wesson firearms.

For fans of Smith & Wesson firearms, this book is a must-have. This work provides easy-to-locate listings organized by model ad year of manufacture to quickly and accurately identify firearms. With more than 775 models of Smith & Wesson guns and variations, including many models not found in other firearm-pricing guides, this is the book for any Smith & Wesson gun-toting fan.


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